Fact: Most homes see the majority of their water footprint come from their indoor water use. Also, fact: Small adjustments to your daily routine can go a long way for your water conservation efforts.
Here are the best ways to save water while going about your day inside:
1. LIMIT YOUR SHOWER TO 5 MINUTES OR LESS There’s no extended moment of Zen quite like a long, hot shower. But lose track of time and your water savings go right down the drain. Quick tip: Play music to stay on target. Ideally, you'll turn off the water and start drying off before the second song is over.
2. INSTALL A LOW-FLOW SHOWERHEAD The initial investment will pay off both in your monthly water bill, and – on a much larger scale – for the planet. Conserve the maximum amount of water by switching your showerhead flow rate to 1.0 gallons per minute. Reduce 96% of chlorine while conserving water.
Flushing your toilet is the most significant use of water in your home. Flushing accounts for nearly 27% of your indoor water use. Follow this advice: "if it's yellow, let it mellow." It’s as conserving as it is catchy. Oh, and simply keep the toilet lid closed if you are concerned about the smell.
It’s really quite simple. Just add a few drops of colored food dye in your toilet tank. If you spot any color in your toilet bowl after a couple of minutes without flushing, conduct a more thorough leak inspection. Routine home maintenance will limit the amount of water escaping through leaks and aging plumbing.
5. DON’T LET YOUR FAUCET RUN This rule applies whether you're brushing your teeth, doing the dishes in the sink, or simply washing vegetables and fruits. Wash your food in a bowl and only fill it with the amount of water necessary for cleaning. When brushing your teeth or shaving, turn off the faucet when not actively using the water.
6. INVEST IN AN ENERGY EFFICIENT DISHWASHER You may not have this option if you rent an apartment, but homeowners who can purchase an energy efficient dishwasher will save many gallons of water for each load of dishes. Don't start a cycle until your dishwasher is full! Washing dishes by hand will use about 20 gallons per load, while an energy efficient dishwasher can use as few as 4 gallons per load. Why stop at the dishwasher? Outfit your home with our top water-conserving appliances.
7. DRY YOUR CLOTHES ON A CLOTHES LINE OR DRYING RACK Running your dryer requires electricity, and increasing your power usage means using more water. Power plants need a vast amount of water to generate electricity.
(Content courtesy of Pentair Everpure)